About Us

Jumaslar City in 2007 without paying any fees qomeqomesSezer's a banger which was founded by entertainment purposesonly Turkish service until October 2011 that more time establishedin October 2011 Today I started to provide services in English andSpanish enterprise. Hain jealous of us can not draw many times bypeople who hacked jumaslar City Corporation is now online with a system that will be new.
Turkey in February in 2012, the existing organization, the JumaslarCity Service Will Continue To add German Languages​​.
Now what do I need it Düşüneceksinizki nothing to do, but make sure that an organization would never know when you need us.
Because of this Sepeplerden We will be here every time ......



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History of project

In this part you can describe the project's history and give reasons for its creation. It is convinient to mention project milestones and honor participating people.